How to have your kittens FCoV antibody tested at the University of Glasgow
Breeder’s name |
Contact details |
Area |
Breed |
Litter date of birth |
Other information |
Sheryl Curran |
England |
Ragdoll |
Candice Prowting |
England |
Ragdoll |
Anni | | UK | Ragdoll | ||
Kristen |
Ragdoll |
Sue & Jenny Hewson |
Hertfordshire, UK |
Burmese |
To register your kittens, send your name; address; phone number; fax number; email address; details of the kittens, such as what breed they belong to, their dates of birth, sex, etc. Importantly send evidence of your FCoV negative antibody or RT-PCR tests. You can have as many or as few contact details as you wish displayed on the website, though including at least your county and country would be a good idea. You can send other relevant information, for example, you may also indicate whether your household is FeLV and FIV free or what championships the kittens parents may have won.
Send your details either to Dr Diane D. Addie by email to draddie[at] (replace [at] with @ when you email). Registration is free.
Due to the problem with automatic robots spamming website email addresses, I am providing here an address that you can type into your email address bar—clicking on it won't open an email, I'm afraid, it's not linked.
draddie [at] (replace [at] with @ when you email)
How to have your kittens FCoV antibody tested at the University of Glasgow
To establish your kittens’s FCoV antibody titre get your veterinary surgeon to send 0.5-1.0ml blood in a heparin tube to the Companion Animal Diagnostics, University of Glasgow Veterinary School, Bearsden, Glasgow, G61 1QH, United Kingdom. Results will be reported to your veterinary surgeon on the day the sample is received. Companion Animal Diagnostics receives samples from all over the world for FCoV antibody testing – the sample being in the post for several days does not alter a kitten’s antibody titre.
Updated 7 April 2023
Site © 2023 Dr. Diane Addie
Site Design © Melody Amundson: thank you Melody!