Free downloads and e-books for sale

FIP and feline coronavirus ebook for guardians

PIF y el coronavirus espagnol

FIP diagnostic algorithm in English and other languages

FIP diagnostic algorithm Step 1 questionnaire for guardians to complete

FIP prognosis excel file

FIP treatment summary information sheet download: when you get to the webpage (which will open in a new tab), scroll down till you see the link to the sheet

Virbagen Omega dilution instructions: this pdf may download directly in some browsers

FIP awareness posters: the webpage will open in a new tab

Index of free downloads





"Feline infectious peritonitis and coronavirus " written for cat guardians."

This book is available as an e-book from this website - see below - or as a paperback (English) or kindle (English or Spanish) from Amazon and all major book sellers.


You can use the regular Buy Now Paypal buttons below to purchase the e-book. Alternatively you can download a free sample eBook of "FIP and Coronavirus"

Please note that this is a zip folder containing an .exe file and that you may have to alter your firewall or virus protection program to allow it to download.

At present, you can only buy the whole eBook directly (and within minutes) from the sample eBook in US dollars. To buy it in GB pounds or Euros, please use the Paypal links below and you will be re-directed to a downloads page.

If you encounter any problems downloading your ebook, then please email



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£6.50 GBP:

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€7.50 EUR:


To buy any book in Bitcoin send a donation in Bitcoin (you choose the amount) to 1HDvzFkutTTtWGAy2DcDWtj1ghTfYFLwR9

Please email me at e-books [at] catvirus [dot] com to inform the of the Bitcoin payment. If you would like a kindle version of the book sent, you'll need to give me your kindle email address - found on the Amazon webpage "Manage My Kindle" and make permission for me to send you the book from the address draddie [at] catvirus [dot] com

Amazon vouchers also accepted as a payment method: send the voucher to e-books [at] catvirus [dot] com and let me know which book you want: FIP and Coronavirus or Peritonitis Infecciosa Felina


La Peritonitis Infecciosa Felina



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4.99 euros:


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$4.99 USD:


NOTE: If you have any problems downloading your e-book, please send an email to e-books [at] catvirus [dot]com. Many thanks. Please note that this email address cannot be used to get advice from Dr Addie: you will find details of how to obtain a consultation with Dr Addie within the book.

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"My Cat Has Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis - What Now?"
written for cat guardians.

The chapters are:

1. What is feline chronic gingivostomatitis?
2. What causes feline chronic gingivostomatitis?
3. How is feline chronic gingivostomatitis treated?
4. What you can do to help your cat recover from feline chronic gingivostomatitis.
5. If your cat dies.
6. Feline chronic gingivostomatitis and the cat breeder.
7. Feline chronic gingivostomatitis and the cat rescuer.
8. Glossary of weird and technical terms.
9. What you can do in the fight against feline chronic gingivostomatitis.
10. Useful websites.
11. Information factsheet to take to your veterinary surgeon.


To buy in UK pounds
£5.00 GBP:

To buy in US dollars

To buy in Euros
€7.50 EUR:




Upper respiratory disease in cats e-book

There are two respiratory e-books, one for under- and post-graduate veterinary surgeons, and the other for non-veterinarians. Each costs 7.5 Euros, 10 Dollars, or 5 GBP.

Respiratory disease e-book for veterinary surgeons

Download an e-book on feline infectious upper respiratory disease and feline chronic lymphocytic plasmacytic gingivostomatitis (note this e-book is only for undergraduate and postgraduate veterinary surgeons, especially those studying for feline or small animal medicine certificates or for continuing professional development. The e-book is not worded for non-veterinarians). In addition to everything contained on this webpage, the e-book contains tables of differential diagnoses, a section about infectious respiratory disease control in catteries, details about feline vaccination and treatment, the truth about azithromycin, notes on less common upper respiratory infections of the cat and more extensive lists of references and websites for further reading.


Purchase feline upper respiratory infection and FGS e-book

To buy in UK pounds
£5.00 GBP:

To buy in US dollars

To buy in Euros
€7.50 EUR:







Feline infectious peritonitis diagnostic algorithm - a download for VETERINARY SURGEONS

This is probably the most important download on the whole website: too many cats are mis-diagnosed as having FIP when they do not. Download the diagnostic algorithm in the language your veterinary surgeon is most comfortable with. The English version actually has several algorithms: for Effusive FIP, Non-effusive (dry) FIP, and feline coronavirus associated gastrointestinal signs. Unfortunately most of the algorithms in other languages are still in the previous form.

English: Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) diagnostic algorithm

Dutch: Algoritme voor infectieuze peritonitis bij katten - with grateful thanks to Drs Marieke Knies for doing the translation and adding her own notes about FIP treatment.

Effusive FIP Score Sheet: this veterinary worksheet is for working out the prognosis in cats with wet FIP

French: la péritonite infectieuse féline (PIF) algorithme de diagnostic

Italian: diagramma de flusso diagnosis FIP

Japanese: 猫伝染性腹膜炎アルゴリズム with many thanks to Dr Hidemi Yasuda for this amazing translation

Japanese: my flowchart for interpreting FCoV and RT-PCR tests was also translated by Dr Hidemi Yasuda!

Polish: Schemat Blokowy Diagnozowania FIP - Krok Po Kroku

Portuguese: Algorithm e protocolo para tratmente

Russian: translated by Tanya Malkova

Spanish: PIF algoritmo espagnol

Turkish: FIP teşhis algoritması - with many thanks to the MediCare team for the translation and to Zohar Shasha from Biogal for arranging the translation.


FIP Prognosis Excel File - a download for VETERINARY SURGEONS

Download FIP Prognosis Excel File. This will open in a new window.


Feline infectious peritonitis diagnostic algorithm: downloads for non-veterinarians: this is the simplified version which features in the book "FIP and Coronavirus" for cat guardians and step 1 of the flowchart questionnaire to take to your veterinary surgeon

Step 1 questionnaire: this document file will open up in a new window, download it, answer the questions and take it to your veterinary surgeon along with the FIP diagnosis algorithm. The purpose of this questionnaire is to save time in the veterinary surgery, since the questions will often rule out a diagnosis of FIP.

Algoritmo de diagnóstico del PIF











 Download our firstnewsletter!              






Diane Addie's Cats Protection FIP leaflet - this was written a few years ago, but is easier to print than these blackwebpages. It is written for non-veterinarians. I thank Cats Protection for allowing it to be reproduced here.

Cats Protection leaflet on FeLV written by Diane Addie.


 The Celia Hammond Animal Trust leaflet on FIV.



The Cats Protection leaflet on toxoplasmosis
I am grateful to Cats Protection for allowing me to include this leaflet here. 

Textbook for veterinary surgeons

I am proud to have been asked to author the chapter on feline coronavirus and infectious peritonitis in the third edition of Craig Greene's Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat.




Index of e-books and free downloads

Free downloads

Feline infectious peritonitis diagnostic algorithm - a download for VETERINARY SURGEONS

English: Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) diagnostic algorithm

Dutch: Algoritme voor infectieuze peritonitis bij katten - with grateful thanks to Drs Marieke Knies for doing the translation and adding her own notes about FIP treatment.

Effusive FIP Score Sheet: this veterinary worksheet is for working out the prognosis in cats with wet FIP

French: la péritonite infectieuse féline (PIF) algorithme de diagnostic

Italian: diagramma de flusso diagnosis FIP

Japanese: 猫伝染性腹膜炎アルゴリズム with many thanks to Dr Hidemi Yasuda for this amazing translation

Japanese: my flowchart for interpreting FCoV and RT-PCR tests was also translated by Dr Hidemi Yasuda!

Portuguese: Algorithm e protocolo para tratmente

Russian: translated by Tanya Malkova

Spanish: PIF algoritmo espagnol

Turkish: FIP teşhis algoritması - with many thanks to Zohar Shasha from Biogal for arranging the translation.

Feline infectious peritonitis prognosis excel file - a download for VETERINARY SURGEONS

FIP diagnostic algorithm and questionnaire: downloads for non-veterinarians

Step 1 questionnaire:

Algoritmo de diagnóstico del PIF

Downloads for both veterinary surgeons and non-veterinarians

Body Condition Score sheet by WSAVA: older version (this is a jpeg)

Body Condition Score sheet by WSAVA: newer version (this is a pdf file)


Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and Coronavirus

My Cat Has Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis - What Now?

Upper respiratory disease in cats - an ebook for veterinary surgeons


Newsletter number 1 - 2005

Leaflets by Dr Addie and others

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) and feline coronavirus (FCoV) for Cats Protection

Feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) leaflet

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) leaflet

Toxoplasmosis leaflet

Conventional paper books

Feline infectious peritonitis and coronavirus by DD Addie is available from Amazon

Review of FCoV/FIP by Dr Diane D. Addie in Greene's Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat



26 May 2021  

 Site ©  2000-2021 Dr. Diane Addie
Site Design © Melody Amundson, Mariposa Creations

You're welcome to take anything from the site, but please do give the source as